Sensational "La Porta di Vertine" ended its short history in 2016. They could produce only 9 vintages but that was good enough to give big impact to scene of Chianti Classico, and played a important role in the natural wine movement.
Those vineyards had been sold to new owner and they will release new wines soon. Recently we were contacted by that new owner and they asked us if we wish to take heritage stock of La Porta di Vertine. Immediately we grabbed those stock as much as possible.
2006 - 2016 ver.1.0
La Porta di Vertine has ended its short but brilliant history of ver.1.0.
Their first vintage was 2006, and we are not sure for the last vintage.
The last delivery was 2014 vintage(Rosato).
The winery activities had already suspended in autumn 2015, and we received official announcement of closing in spring 2016 finally.
This Gambelli inspired Sangiovese winery splendidly impressed natural wine drinkers and producers in these ten years.
The last message from La Porta di Vertine"A big hug and a heartfelt thank you to all of our customers, collaborators, friends and all of those who have followed, supported, inspired, criticized and loved us, those who believed in us and helped contribute to the success of La Porta di Vertine.
Thank you to Vertine and Adine. Thank you to the vineyards, the stones, the sun, the rain, the wind, the yeast, the insects, the microorganisms and the mycorrhiza…. and to Ruggero who helped us get along with all of it! Thank you most importantly to Ellen and Dan who made this possible. It went how it went, La Porta di Vertine, as we conceived it, lived it and loved it is closed!!! Now it waits for someone else to reopen it with new ideas and new enthusiasm, we wish the best of luck to them! We did our best and we are very proud of our efforts."
Best regards from the whole team,
Cerim, Giacomo, Giulio, Jacy, Ivano & Ridjol

Limited production : only 12,000 bottles of CHINATI CLASSICO, 8,000 bts : RISERVA, 4,500 bts : SASSI CHIUSI, 3,500 bts : ROSATO. The legendary guardian of Tuscany Sangiovese, Guru Giulio Gambelli(He also made SOLDERA, POGGIO DI SOTTO, MONTEVERTINE) took care of La Porta di Vertine in the last stage of his life.
La Porta di Vertine’s was founded in 2006, which is a amphitheater shaped vineyard in Vertine, a tiny ancient hamlet in the Chianti Classico area of Gaiole. Its main interests are to explore the characteristics of Sangiovese by selecting vineyards and soils to exalt and reflect the complexity and longevity of the variety, in order to bring the masterpiece wines to all wine lovers.

Giacomo Masteretta – La Porta di Vertine’s wine maker and director – has his own philosophy of “less is more” and it is being applied throughout the vineyard and cellar, natural is always the best when people have to do as little as possible in a vineyard. The vineyard management produces small, healthy grape bunches and the average yield per plant is one kilo or less of fruit. La Porta di Vertine is also honored to have Giulio Gambelli – Sangiovese’s legendary advocate to be their oenological consultant for the first two vintages 2006 & 2007.

La Porta di Vertine sees its greatest advantage in the Galestro and Alberese (shale and limestone) soils, whose content makes the region – Chianti Classico unique. The estate tends to use natural viticultural method to cultivating high altitude vineyards in order to sustain the landscape and regenerate the environment. The soil’s high stone content stores the heat of the sun and radiates it back to the plants at night, the constant movement of air in these desolate terrains naturally helps in battling with fungal disease. La Porta di Vertine has also experimented with ungrafted vines, which makes the wine more wonderful, intense, rich and full flavored.
The low nutrient content of La Porta Di Vertine’s soils is not seen as a challenge. In fact, it’s the key to the personality in final wines.

The low nutritional soil helps to grow natural yields in low vigor and increase the extract. As a result wines are balanced and elegant, delivering the perfume and freshness of the grape variety, and in time gaining in richness and complexity without losing any of their initial vibrancy. The wines are aged in the traditional Slovenian Oak casks as well as oval Austrian casks and double barrels.

限定生產“:只有12000瓶CHINATI CLASSICO,8000 瓶RISERVA,4500 瓶SASSI CHIUSI,3500瓶ROSATO。托斯卡納的桑嬌維塞傳奇守護者Giulio Gambelli (SOLDERA, POGGIO DI SOTTO, MONTEVERTINE) 在他生命的最後階段照顧著La Porta di Vertine.
La Porta di Vertine於2006年成立,它是一個外型像圓形劇場的葡萄園,位於在Gaiole的Chianti Classico 區中一個歷史悠久的的小村莊。 它的愛好是選擇不同的葡萄園和土壤來發揚和輝映出桑嬌維塞的特點,它的複雜性和長壽,為所有葡萄酒愛好者帶來一瓶瓶葡萄酒傑作。

Giacomo Masteretta – La Porta di Vertine的葡萄酒生產商和董事- 他有自己的理念,“少做多益”和它被應用在整個的葡萄園和酒窖,天然是當人們盡可能做得最少才使葡萄園變得最好。葡萄園主力生產健康的小葡萄串,平均單株產量是1公斤以下的水果。La Porta di Vertine還榮幸地邀請到Giulio Gambelli - 桑嬌維賽的傳奇人物,做他們2006年和2007年的釀酒顧問。
La Porta di Vertine 在Galestro和 Alberese(頁岩和石灰岩)土壤中發現其含量獨特使得該地區為古典基安蒂帶來極大的優勢。酒莊傾向於使用天然葡萄栽培方法來培養在高海拔的葡萄園,以維持景觀和保育環境。土壤中的高含石量在日間儲存著太陽的熱力和在夜間釋放,空氣在荒涼的地形上平穩地流動,亦有助於對抗真菌。La Porta di Vertine也有用未接枝的葡萄,使酒更精彩,更激烈,更豐富,和味道濃郁。

La Porta di Vertine的土壤養分含量低可以看成是一個優勢。事實上,這是對葡萄酒個性的關鍵。低養分的土壤有助於平衡產量增長的活力和增加提取物。因此葡萄酒的個性變得平衡,優雅,散發著葡萄的清新與香氣,並隨著時間變得愈來愈豐富和複雜,而不會失去他們最初的活力。葡萄酒會在傳統的斯洛文尼亞橡木桶以及橢圓形的奧地利桶中雙重蘊釀,以達致最佳效果。