A991 SHINRAI Summer Kimoto 神雷 風鈴 夏生酛純米 真吟八反錦 三輪酒造 広島県 R5BY 720ml A762 HIKOMAGO ひこ孫 純米 神亀酒造 埼玉県 1800ml A643 ABEKAN Cat 阿部勘 純米吟醸 まねき 阿部勘酒造 宮城県 R4BY 720ml
[Kimoto Shin-Gin]

Summer Edition. Miwa-Shuzou has expressed "a cool feeling in summer" by the fine tuned Kimoto method. Locally grown Hattan-Nishiki is polished by "Shin-Gin" method(Rice polishing rate : 72%), and brewed by Kimoto method, fermented by ambient yeasts(no cultured yeasts added).
This is a Shinkame's regular standard Junmai-shu made from Awa-Yamada-nishiki. Rice polishing rate : 55%, Released after at least 3 years ageing. Much more smoother and round mouthfeel followed by a beautiful sharpness. The sake shows wide panorama picture with great integration of every factors when it is warmed. / Release Date : 2020.12 Abekan "Cat" is made from "Sasanishiki"(famous as edible rice) and Kuranohana(Miyagi local). It's a Junmai-ginjou, rice polishing rate : 55%, aged in the cellar during summertime and all the elements were well integrated. R4BY Cat has smooth texture, rich body, and dry finish. *Please peel off the double sticker label. you will see another emotion of the cat.